
class DatabaseObject {
   * Class representing a database object.
   * @param {DatabaseManager}       databaseManager The DatabaseManager.
   * @param {string}                type            The type of this DatabaseObject.
   * @param {any}                   [data={}]       The data to initialize this DataObject with.
   * @param {DatabaseObjectOptions} [options={}]    The DatabaseObjectOptions.
  constructor (databaseManager, type, data = {}, { isNew = false } = {}) {
     * @type    {DatabaseManager}
     * @private
    this._dbm = databaseManager
     * @type {string}
    this.type = type
     * @type {string}
     */ =
     * @type    {any}
     * @private
    this._data = data
     * @type    {boolean}
     * @private
    this._saveNeeded = isNew
     * @type    {boolean}
     * @private
    this._isNew = isNew

   * Get a value from the DatabaseObject.
   * @param   {string} prop The name of the prop.
   * @returns {any}         The value of the prop.
  get (prop) {
    return this._data[prop]

   * Set a value of the DatabaseObject.
   * @param   {string}         prop The name of the prop.
   * @param   {any}            val  The value to set.
   * @returns {DatabaseObject}      The DatabaseObject.
  set (prop, val) {
    if (this._data[prop] !== val) {
      this._data[prop] = val
      this._saveNeeded = true
    return this

   * Get a simple object representation of the DatabaseObject.
   * @returns {any} The DatabaseObject as a normal object.
  toJSON () {
    return Object.assign({ objectType: this.type }, this._data)

   * Delete this DatabaseObject record.
   * @returns {Promise<void>}
  delete () {
    return this._dbm.delete(this)

   * Save the DatabaseObject record.
   * @param   {any}                     [data={}] Any new data to write to the DatabaseObject before saving.
   * @returns {Promise<DatabaseObject>}           The DatabaseObject.
  async save (data = {}) {
    for (const [ key, val ] of Object.entries(data)) {
      this.set(key, val)

    if (this._saveNeeded) {
        await (
            ? this._dbm.add(this.type, this._data)
            : this._dbm.update(this)
        ).then((json) => this._dbm.newObject(this.type, json, false)) // sets this as a new DatabaseObject with the updated details
      // don't bother setting the boolean flags after as they will be at defaults.
    return this

module.exports = DatabaseObject

 * @typedef  DatabaseObjectOptions
 * @property {boolean} [isNew=false] Whether or not to treat this as a new record.